Multiplication and Division

Multiplication and division are fundamental mathematical operations that involve combining or splitting numbers. They play a crucial role in mathematics and are used in various real-life situations. 


Definition: Multiplication is the mathematical operation of repeated addition. It involves finding the product of two or more numbers, where one number represents the number of groups and the other number represents the quantity in each group.

Multiplication Symbols: The "×" symbol or the "*" symbol is used to represent multiplication. For example, "3 × 4" means multiplying 3 by 4.

Properties of Multiplication:


Definition: Division is the mathematical operation of splitting a number into equal groups or finding out how many times one number is contained within another number. The result of division is called the "quotient."

Division Symbols: The "÷" symbol or the "/" symbol is used to represent division. For example, "12 ÷ 3" means dividing 12 by 3.

Properties of Division:

Multiplication and Division Facts:

It's important to memorize basic multiplication and division facts, especially for small numbers. This helps in mental calculations and builds a strong foundation for more advanced mathematics.

Multiplication Example:

Let's multiply 4 by 6:


×  6



Division Example:

Let's divide 15 by 3:


÷  3



Word Problems:

Both multiplication and division are used to solve real-life word problems. These problems often involve translating a situation into a mathematical expression, performing the operation, and interpreting the result.

Long Multiplication and Long Division:

For larger numbers, long multiplication and long division methods are used to perform these operations, with multiple steps and carrying over or borrowing when necessary.

Practice and Application:

Practice is crucial to becoming proficient in multiplication and division. As you become more skilled, you'll be able to tackle more complex problems and apply these operations in various areas, such as calculating areas, volumes, and proportions, as well as understanding ratios and rates.