
Understanding Decimals:

Basic Operations with Decimals:


+ 1.70



Multiplying Decimals: To multiply decimals, multiply the numbers as if they were whole numbers, without considering the decimal point. Then, count the total decimal places in both factors and place the decimal point that many places from the right in the product.
For example, to multiply 2.5 and 0.6:


× 0.6



3.2 (dividend with decimal moved)

÷ 0.8 (divisor with decimal moved)


4 (quotient with decimal placed)

Rounding Decimals:

Rounding decimals is a common practice to simplify calculations and express numbers in a more manageable way. When rounding decimals, consider the digit to the right of the desired decimal place. If it's 5 or greater, round up; if it's less than 5, round down.

For example, to round 3.846 to the nearest tenth:

Practical Uses of Decimals:

Decimals are used in various everyday situations, such as:

Understanding and working with decimals is essential for many aspects of life and mathematics. Practice and application of decimal concepts will help you become proficient in using decimals in various contexts.